What is the Difference Between A Marsh, Swamp, Bog and Fen?

What is the Difference Between Marsh and Swamp

In everyday usage, the words marsh and swamp are often used interchangeably. As such, most people think that they refer to the same thing. At a superficial level, using the term swamp and marsh to describe the wetter areas of our world is correct. That is a result of both marshes and swamps being types …

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What Animal Can Run the Longest?

What Animal Can Run The Longest

Is it the dog? Possibly the cat? Maybe it is the long-legged horse? Has to be the speedy cheetah? Well, it is the efficient camel then? Or is it none of the above. The answer may surprise you, All you need to do is gaze in the mirror to witness the planet’s most efficient and …

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What is the Difference between Horses, Mules, and Donkeys?

Difference Between a Donkey, Mule, and Horse

At first glance, horses, donkeys, and mules appear similar, yet these animals are a diverse bunch. They do share common similarities though, which is why they may often be confused for each other. To obtain a better understanding of these three mammals, it is worth taking at look at the many specific differences and similarities. …

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What Bird Can Fly Backwards?

What Bird Can Fly Backwards?

Most living things we see on a daily basis (including other people) have the ability to both move forward and backwards. Do our airborne bird counterparts get to experience the same luxury? As it turns out, 99% of all birds lack the ability to fly backwards. This inability is mostly a function of a bird’s wings. …

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Can Cats Predict Earthquakes?

Your cat probably wanders around the house like he’s better than you. Well, in this case, he just might be – at predicting earthquakes, that is. Animals Predicting Earthquakes Throughout History There is no shortage of anecdotal evidence that suggests that animals, most notably your common house cat, can predict earthquakes and other natural disasters. …

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What is the Difference Between Antlers and Horns?

Though commonly used interchangeably, the difference between antlers and horns is actually great in terms of their structures, lifespans, and even uses. The weasel knows a few white-tailed deer who take serious offense at being associated with those horned animals. So let’s get a few things straight. Structural Difference between Antlers and Horns Structure of …

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