Why are Red and Green Christmas Colors?

Why Are Christmas Colors Green and Red

Never has a color combination been more strongly associated with a specific event or holiday than green and red. White and black can be the a chessboard, the representations of good and evil, or the colorings of a Dalmatian- but green and red? That’s Christmas. Only Christmas. But, why are red and green Christmas colors? Why …

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How To Tell Military Time?

How To Tell Military Time

The notion of military time – the seemingly secretive measure of timekeeping reserved for the armed forces – is actually quite unique to folks in the United States in Canada. Military time is simply a variation of the 24 hour clock that is used by nearly all other countries across the globe. The civilian world …

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What Bird Can Fly Backwards?

What Bird Can Fly Backwards?

Most living things we see on a daily basis (including other people) have the ability to both move forward and backwards. Do our airborne bird counterparts get to experience the same luxury? As it turns out, 99% of all birds lack the ability to fly backwards. This inability is mostly a function of a bird’s wings. …

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Did You Know That Broccoli is a Man-made Food?

There is No Such Thing as Wild Broccoli Broccoli is a human innovation, a man-made food, and a result of a mutation selected and cultivated by man throughout history. Known for its green hue and resemblance to a tiny tree, broccoli has been the bane of kid’s existence since it was first introduced in the …

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Why Does Burnt Hair Smell So Bad?

In an unfortunate turn of events, you reach over a candle and singe the hair on your arm. Or perhaps your curling iron starts to smoke as it burns a section of the hair on your head (as it did in the case of this young girl, whose hair trouble went viral on YouTube last year). Once …

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